For those wishing to be part of my Military Bunker experience. Please complete the form in detail and do not withhold any medical conditions / emergency needs. Make sure all the information provided is accurate and true.
If you have ticked yes to any of the above, please give full explanation below
Food during your stay will be basic. 3 Meals a day. If you have any dietary consideration please let me know. This includes intolerance to gluten, dairy, vegan, vegetarian, etc. If none, state ‘None”
If you have been to a Prison event before, explain how long it was and what was done to you
include your taboo’s, as well as if you do not want any marks / bruises. (consider this carefully as this is prison, you cant leave looking fresh and untouched!)
Explain in detail what you have done with a Mistress if you have experience with one Explain what you have done in a Prison event, if you have had one before
Explain to me what it is that you want from your prison experience. List what you would like Mistress April to be kind enough to include for you as well as what you want to try (that is, never experienced but want to)
Please explain in detail anything else related to your stay in the prision that I need to be aware of that was not clearly covered in the form above.